So believe it or not this is only a small pick of the millions we took while on the island. We were there for 8 days and enjoyed some great times together with mom and dad Carter and mom and dad Dixon. We then took a few extra days on the way home to visit friends and family (pictures above). Great times together. While we were in Maine we celebrated Emily Winabel's FIRST birthday 3 times. Once with each set of grandparents and then on the actual day with friends. I will do a separate post with all those pictures and videos - she loved each chocolate experience!

Scout loves the island, I think, more than any of us!
The weather was perfect while we were there but early evening the bugs came out so we suited up to protect! (above mom and I snuck away to watch the sunset. below dad and joel cooked a yummy lobster dinner for us to enjoy)
Adventures at low tide to include clamming!
Adam and Lauren joined us for one night on the island.
Joel actually went swimming in the freezing cold water and scout was right behind him!

Emmy loved picking up all the fun new things: shells, rocks, seaweed, crabs and it didn't take long before each was in her mouth!

Learning guitar with Grammie!
Family photo before Irene hit!
1 comment:
ridiculously cute family photo... i mean, really? :) also, lovin' the bangs that emmy is growing now! miss you!
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