On July 4th Joel called and shared that he would be arriving earlier than expected. Instead of July 7th he would fly in on the 5th! With disbelief Kelly, Char, Emmy, Scout and myself hopped in the Civic and drove back to MD and then Emmy and I went to meet daddy at the airport. We were sweetly reunited on July 5th around 4pm. As you can see in the pictures Joel did trim the beard but the hair is still very long. I actually gave him the ok to keep the hair cause I was very curious . It is very soft and surprisingly curly. Emmy has done great with everything. She acted as if she knew Joel right away. They are bonding lots and she is learning that he is not just visiting but will be around for awhile! We have had a great low key week trying to break Joel in slowly and reintroducing him to diapers and fussy baby (Emmy's 5th tooth is coming in)! Joel is back to work 1/2 days this week and then full time. It seems surreal that he was ever gone. Thank you to all our friends and family who prayed for us and supported us during this tough time and through the continued transitions of being a family unit once again!